The worst day packin' is better than the best day workin'

Ericksen Saddlery

Ericksen Mountain Saddle

Hand Crafted in the USA

Authentic custom fit on each saddle

While it was originally designed as a hunting saddle. The Ericksen Mountain Saddle has proven to be outstanding as a trail saddle, handy as a ranch saddle, and a comfortable day in, day out riding saddle.
We also have a very good mule fit.


All of our saddles are handmade from Hermann Oak skirting leather. They feature braided rawhide on the horn and swells laced to match, a rawhide cantle binding, and the slots in the cantle are lined with rawhide as well. It’s durable and looks good.  
There are seven large 1½ inch Dee rings attached with rawhide so there are ample places to attach rifle scabbards, cameras, tie ropes, cruppers, britchin, or whatever in a secure manner.
​We cut slots in the cantle which we call “Santa Fe” slots, after the old mountain man type saddle. These are good for tying on big game or extra packs. 
We use only “Ralide” trees in our saddles. We hand-shape the bars to fit horses and mules and hand shape the seat to fit most people. We fit 90% of Mules and 80% of horses. It is an Improved Association style with a semi-quarter horse spread to the bars. 
We offer 4 standard seat lengths: 14”, 15”, 16”, & 17”, with your choice of 4” cantle or I can custom build one up to a 5”. 
We also offer 12", 13", & 18" on a custom basis. We offer custom tooling for an additional cost. See our products page for more information.